Dasavatar Wordsearch

Wordsearch #4- Dasavatar Wordsearch

Instructions: Find the words displayed at the bottom of the wordsearch. Click on the beginning of the word in the puzzle, scroll to the end of the word, and release the mouse to highlight the word. It will automatically cross out on the bottom as "found." You can also print the page out and do it yourself!



Lakshmi Wordsearch

Wordsearch #3- Lakshmi Wordsearch

Instructions: Find the words displayed at the bottom of the wordsearch. Click on the beginning of the word in the puzzle, scroll to the end of the word, and release the mouse to highlight the word. It will automatically cross out on the bottom as "found." You can also print the page out and do it yourself!


Vishnu Family Wordsearch

Wordsearch #1- Vishnu Family Wordsearch

Instructions: Find the words displayed at the bottom of the wordsearch. Click on the beginning of the word in the puzzle, scroll to the end of the word, and release the mouse to highlight the word. It will automatically cross out on the bottom as "found." You can also print the page out and do it yourself!


Shiva Family Wordsearch

Wordsearch #2- Shiva Family Wordsearch

Instructions: Find the words displayed at the bottom of the wordsearch. Click on the beginning of the word in the puzzle, scroll to the end of the word, and release the mouse to highlight the word. It will automatically cross out on the bottom as "found." You can also print the page out and do it yourself!