Spiritual Message for the Day – Ethical Science by Gurudev Sri Swami Sivananda

Baba Times Digest© | 12 February 2015 17.17 EST | New York Edition

Ethical Science

Divine Life Society Publication: Ethical Teachings by Gurudev Sri Swami Sivananda

Ethics is the science of conduct. Ethics is the study of what is right or good in conduct. Ethical science shows the way in which human beings behave towards each other as well as towards other creatures. It contains systematised principles on which a man should act. Without ethics you cannot have any progress in the spiritual path. Ethics is the foundation of Yoga, the corner-stone of Vedanta and the strong pillar on which the edifice of Bhakti Yoga rests.

Ethics is right conduct or Sadachara. The mark of Dharma is Achara or right conduct. Achara is the mark of good. From Achara only, Dharma is born. Dharma enhances life. Man attains prosperity, fame, here and hereafter through the practice of Dharma. Achara is the highest Dharma. It is the root of all Tapas. It supports the whole universe. It leads one to Eternal Happiness and Immortality.

Ethics is morality. Morality is the gateway to God-realisation. It is the master-key of religion. He who leads a moral or virtuous life, attains freedom, perfection or Moksha.

Ethics is a relative science. What is good for one man may not be good for another man. What is good at one time may not be good at another time and at another place. Ethics is relative to the man himself and to his surroundings.

Every religion has its own ethics. The primary truth of every religion is the foundation of ethics or morality or the science of right conduct. Yama and Niyama of Patanjali Maharshi on the Raja Yoga Philosophy constitute the best ethics for a Yoga practitioner. The Manu Smriti, Yajnavalkya Smriti, Parasara Smriti, all explain the code of right conduct. The noble Eightfold path of Buddhism is the essence of the ethical teachings of Lord Buddha. The Ten Commandments of Judaism, and the Sermon on the Mount by Lord Jesus contain the ethical teachings for the uplift of humanity.

The first thing you learn from every religion is the unity of all Selves. It is the only one Self which is immanent in all creatures. All human relations exist because of this unity of Self. The basis of the unity of Self is the Universal Brotherhood and the Universal Love. Yajnavalkya said to Maitreyi, his wife, "O Maitreyi! Not indeed for the love of husband is the husband dear; for the love of the Self is the husband dear. And so the wife, sons, property, friends, worlds and even the Devas themselves are all dear because the one Self abides in all." If you injure another man, you injure yourself. If you help another man, you help yourself. There is one life, one consciousness in all creatures. This is the foundation of the ethics of each and every Religion.

Practice of ethics will help you to live in harmony with your neighbours, friends, your own family-members, fellow-beings, and all other people. It will confer on you lasting happiness and Moksha. Your heart will be purified. It will keep your conscience ever clean. A moral man who follows strictly the principles of ethics, will not deviate even a fraction of an inch from the path of Dharma or righteousness. He earns undying reputation for his practice of ethics. He becomes an embodiment of Dharma. He only leaves the physical body; but his name lives as long as the world lasts.

We have human morality, family morality, social morality, national morality, professional morality. A doctor has his own professional ethics. He should not divulge to others the secrets of his patients. He should be kind and sympathetic towards his patients. He should not give injections of water and charge highly as for best medicines. Although the guardian of the patient did not pay the fees of his last visit, he should go voluntarily and attend the cases. He should treat the poor cases freely. An advocate also has his own ethics. He should not coach up false witnesses. He should not take up the weak cases, only for the sake of fees. He should argue freely for the poor people. There is ethics for a business-man also. He should not expect much profit. He should do much charity. He should not speak falsehood even in his business.

Do not do any act which does not bring good to others or that act for which you will feel ashamed after doing. Do such acts which are praiseworthy and which bring good to others. This is the brief description of right conduct, highest Dharma. Moral precepts have been made to free the creatures from all injuries.

The ethics of Western Philosophers is superficial. It is a mere surface ethics. But the Eastern ethics is subtle, sublime and profound. All religions teach the ethical rules such as: "Do not kill; do not injure others; love your neighbour; etc." But they have not given the reason. Only Hindu ethics says, "There is one All-pervading Atman. It is the inner soul of all beings. It is hidden in all creatures. It is the common, pure consciousness. If you injure your neighbour you actually injure yourself." This is the basic metaphysical truth that underlies all Hindu ethical codes.

Stick to Sadachara or right conduct and attain Immortality. Practise ethics and reach the illimitable dominion of eternal bliss! Grow. Evolve. Build up your character. Consult the Sastras and Mahatmas whenever you are in doubt. Attain the goal of life and rest in the inner harmony!


Excerpts from: Ethical Science –Ethical Teachings by Gurudev Sri Swami Sivananda

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