Spiritual Message for the Day – Essentials of a Sadhak’s Daily Routine by Sri Swami Chidananda

Baba Times Digest© | 23 September 2014 13.28 EST | New York Edition

Essentials of a Sadhak’s Daily Routine

Divine Life Society Publication: Light on The Yoga Way of Life by Sri Swami Chidananda

Question: What is the best daily routine for a neophyte in spiritual Sadhana?

Answer: Gurudev Swami Sivanandaji Maharaj insists that from the very commencement of our Sadhana we should hold before the mind the ideal of integral development,—harmonious development of all the aspects of the personality. Gurudev does not like lop-sided development. Man is not a one-sided being. He has the head, heart and the hand; he has the body, mind and soul; he has the intellect, emotion and will, and Gurudev says that every Sadhaka should realise this truth and strive to develop his entire personality in a harmonious manner. You should have the heart of Buddha, the head of Sankara, and the hand of Janaka. You should cultivate good Bhavana, good Buddhi and possess a good body.

Therefore, the Sadhak’s daily routine must contain elements of all the four Yoga-Margas.

The main-stay of the daily routine should be the spiritualisation of the entire life of the Sadhaka. The goal of life should be ever remembered. This goal is the attainment of God-realisation. Whatever be the external form the Sadhak’s life, the aim of his life should be God-realisation.

A little Japa, a little Kirtan, should invariably find place in the daily routine. Gurudev has the greatest faith in the Lord’s Name. A little bit of Upasana of a Murti also should be there. Have a small altar; light a candle; offer a small flower; do a brief Puja. This is important.

Then come Asanas and Pranayama. A few minutes’ practice of Asanas and Pranayama will keep the body healthy. Study of religious books should not be neglected. And, a little bit of Dhyana, too. Dhyana is no doubt an advanced stage of Yoga, but it is never too early to begin Dhyana. However imperfect the Dhyana may be, be regular in the practice.

Another important item of the daily routine is Atma-Shodhana, self-analysis. The Sadhaka should take practical and effective steps to eradicate his vicious qualities and grow in virtue. He should aim at attaining perfection in the Yama-Niyamas. And he should daily search within himself for traces of lurking evil, and eradicate it.

A very big slice of the time of the Sadhaka should be devoted to Nishkamya Karma Yoga. The essential thing in this is the Bhavana. If you can selflessly serve the sick and the poor, it is very good. Or, keep up the Nishkamya Bhavana in all your daily activities. This is the “easy Sadhana” of Gurudev: think your house is a temple; feel the world is Viswa-Brindavana; feel that your office is a shrine of the Lord; do all your actions with the Bhavana that they are the Puja of the Lord; see God in all. This way, you can dedicate yourself to the work completely; you may plunge into the work; and yet you may be doing the highest Sadhana. Start the day with a prayer: “Lord, all this is your worship.” God is your Antaryamin: He knows with what Bhava you have commenced your work. During the day, whenever you get a little leisure, say: “Lord, it is all an offering unto You.” Keep a few coins in your pocket; give them to the poor and the needy. Never miss an opportunity to serve humanity.

This completely covers the field of the Sadhak’s daily routine; some items of the Bhakti-Marga to develop the heart, some items of Nishkamya Karma Yoga to purify the heart and root out selfishness, some items of Raja Yoga, and then some items of Jnana Marga, too, to lead to ultimate Self-realisation. One item must be chosen as the chief Sadhana, in accordance with the temperament of the Sadhaka. It may be Bhakti, Dhyana, Karma Yoga (selfless service), or Hatha Yoga (Pranayama). And other items of other Margas should also be included in the routine.

The Sadhaka should always feel that his real “home” is elsewhere—in God—and this world is a wayside inn, where he is staying for a short period. He should cultivate Vairagya or dispassion. He is always discriminate and chooses the path of the Good in preference to the path of the Pleasant.


Excerpts from: Essentials of a Sadhak’s Daily Routine  - Light on The Yoga Way of Life by Sri Swami Chidananda


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