Spiritual Message for the Day – Soham Dhyana by Sri Swami Sivananda
Baba Times Digest© | 12 September 2014 14.34 EST | New York Edition
Soham Dhyana
Divine Life Society Publication: Essence of Jnana Yoga - Mind-Its Mysteries and Control by Sri Swami Sivananda
The effort to keep the mind always concentrated on Atman or Brahman is what is called Atma-Vichara.
Till the blissful Jnana dawns on you, you should do constant and intense Sadhana. You must not stop thinking of Brahman (Brahma-Chintana) even for half a second, even for the time taken for one winking. You must become Nididhyasana-Parayana (one whose sole refuge is meditation on OM with feeling and meaning). Then only Brahma-Jnana is possible.
You will have to destroy the Jiva-Bhavana by entertaining the opposite 'Aham Brahmasmi' Bhavana. The Jiva-Bhavana is created by the Vyavaharic Buddhi. You will have to destroy this kind of Vyavaharic Buddhi by developing the Suddha Buddhi or pure reason.
Although you see your body and the world, they really exist not. Never move a fraction of an inch from your established position in Atman. Constantly think that you are the all-pervading Atman (Chidakasa). Even if you are in the mouth of a machine-gun, repeat "Soham"-"Soham"-"Aham Brahma Asmi." Roar like a lion. Fear comes only when you identify yourself with this perishable, fleshy body. If you identify yourself with the infinite, eternal immortal Atman, you will become at once absolutely fearless. Fear is an imaginary modification of the mind of an Ajnani.
Find out your centre. Rest in your centre or equilibrium. That centre is Atman or Brahman or the One Truth that is shining in your heart from eternity to eternity. If you can rest in your centre, neither trouble nor tribulation, neither loss nor disappointment, neither grief nor sorrow can affect you and throw you off the balance.
If you can keep yourself up in tune with the Infinite, you will have a poised and balanced mind. Nothing can hurt you. You will be always in joy, because you are identifying yourself with Atman. You are resting on the Highest Self. Even though Mansoor and Shams Tabriez the great Sufi Jnanis, were flayed alive, they never felt any sort of pain. They simply uttered 'Analhaq' (I am He). Every drop of blood that fell down also uttered 'Analhaq.' They were always in the bliss of Atman. Look at this marvel. These are the real Jnanis. They showed their power and knowledge of Atman.
A small fishing boat is tossed about severely hither and thither even by ordinary waves of a river. But, a big steamer remains unshaken even though violent waves dash against it with tremendous impetuosity. Even so, a man of the world with a fickle mind is tossed about hither and thither even by the small waves of Raga-Dvesha of the mind; whereas a saint or a Jivanmukta with a balanced and serene mind remains in the world quite steady without being in the least affected by the stormy waves of troubles, tribulations, miseries, afflictions, etc. He is always resting peacefully in the perpetual calm of Atman or the Absolute Self.
Whenever you are much worried, whenever you get heavy depression, whenever you get severe attacks of pain, think you are Atman, full of Ananda. Withdraw the mind from objects and worldly thoughts and fix it on Atman. Enter a solitary room and assert: "I am Anandamaya Atman. How can there be pain there? Pain belongs to the mind. It is a mental creation. I am above mind. Atman is an ocean of Ananda. Atman is a storehouse of Ananda, power and knowledge. I feel that I am Suddha Chaitanya, all-pervading consciousness which is at the back of all these forms, at the back of mind. I am Atman. I am all Ananda." You will derive immense joy, power and exhilaration by this practice.
Strangle every thought of deficiency, imperfection, weakness, inferiority. Even if you have nothing to eat, no cloth to wear, even if you suffer from a terrible incurable disease, cling tenaciously to the ideas, "I am God. I am perfect. I possess everything. All health I am. All joy I am." Remember that to be your right mental attitude.
"I am that Atman or Brahman which is Eka (One), Chidakasa, Akhanda (without parts, indivisible), the Self of all beings (Sarvabhutantaratma)." Try to get established in this Bhava with all efforts (Prayatna). Then the Chanchalata of the mind will vanish. Then you will get eternal bliss. You will become a Jivanmukta. There is not an atom of doubt on this point.
Imagine that you hold the whole world in your womb, in the physical ether which is again supported in your own Svarupa (Chinmaya) body (Chidakasa, Jnana-Vigraha). Then the ideas of externality and separateness will vanish. There is nothing outside you. There is nothing outside Brahman.
Excerpts from: Soham Dhyana: Essence of Jnana Yoga - Mind-Its Mysteries and Control
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